Москва, 07 октября 2019

Get Going with WebAssembly Переход на Go

Доклад принят в программу конференции
Johan Brandhorst
Utility Warehouse

I’m Johan, I like gaming, programming, floorball, skiing and many other things. I’m originally from Sweden but I live and work in the United Kingdom. I work at Utility Warehouse, a utility provider in London, UK.

I have contributed to the Go programming language, and I run my own blog, mostly talking about Go and gRPC. I’m a maintainer of the gRPC-Gateway, the Improbable gRPC-Web implementation and other open source projects.

You can find me on the Gophers Slack under the id jbrandhorst, where I like to hang around and discuss Go with fellow Gophers.


This talk will introduce the technology, show how to get started with WebAssembly and Go, discuss what is possible today and what will be possible tomorrow.

WebAssembly has been supported in browsers since early 2018 and was first included as an experimental architecture in Go 1.11. It may come to replace JavaScript in the browser and become a target for code that should run anywhere.

The audience will have learned about WebAssembly and how to use it with Go on their own. They will know what to look forward to in the future and where to discuss WebAssembly and Go with other users.

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